Vaccine Confidence: Identifying Trusted Messengers

Vaccine Confidence: Identifying Trusted Messengers is the final episode in our six-part COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence series hosted by At the Core of Care. In this episode, we hear from nurses across the country about what it means to be a trusted messenger and how to address vaccine hesitancy in the communities they serve.

We talk to nurse practitioner, Dr. Meriam Caboral-Stevens and nurses, Opeyemi Ogunniyi and Reglita Laput.

Dr. Meriam Caboral-Stevens is a researcher and faculty member at Eastern Michigan University in the School of Nursing and faculty at the university's Center for Health Disparities Innovations and Studies. She shares with us what her vaccination rollout experience has been like so far in developing outreach efforts within Michigan's Asian and Arab American communities.

We also speak to registered nurses Opeyemi Ogunniyi and Reglita Laput. Opeyemi Ogunniyi is a registered nurse in Houston, Texas and is currently working in the medical surgical unit. She shares her experience navigating vaccine hesitancy with patients and what she is hearing from family and friends in her hometown, Lagos, Nigeria. Reglita Laput is a community health nurse in Michigan and Director of Clinical Services for a homecare program. She also serves as the current president of the Philippine Nurses Association of in Michigan and has been active in helping organize community-based vaccination events.

This project was funded in part by a cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (grant number NU50CK000580). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents of this resource center do not necessarily represent the policy of CDC or HHS and should not be considered an endorsement by the Federal Government.

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